Monday, January 12, 2009

To Smoke...or Not

So, I was reading an article on Fark the other day and the basic gist of it was, "We all know smoking is bad for you, so who still smokes?" (I'm too lazy to find the article for you. Deal with it.) The article rather ambiguously mentioned that dictator-elect Obama may or may not smoke and may or may not have been trying to quit or already have quit.

First off, that's some hard-hitting reporting right there. Way to find out your facts and take a stand.

Secondly, I feel deceived. Through all those months of the campaign I never saw any pictures of Obama smoking. He is such a fine upstanding man who keeps company with some of the finest people in the nation. I'm shocked that he would conceal anything so important about himself. Surely it was just a mistake that he was never photographed with a cigarette. It just doesn't seem likely that someone as honest as he would take any measures at all to not be photographed while smoking. It must have been some sort of conspiracy against Obama to make him seem more or less approachable or more or less like the average American or more or

Seriously, though. He smokes? What a dumbass. I'd ask, "Doesn't he know that's bad for him?" but I think his college days as a drug dealer speak volumes on that subject. I just don't think I could ever take anyone seriously who voluntarily sucks tar into their lungs. Seem petty and judgmental? Yeah, well that's me.

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