Wednesday, January 14, 2009


So, I was reading the blog of one of my friends and she had listed her goals for the new year. Now, I don't normally make New Year's resolutions, cause I figure they are just one more thing to break. Also, it is really trendy to make them, and I don't like doing what everyone else does. That being said, I started to think about some goals for the immediate future and decided to share some of them with you guys.

1. Serve others more. This one is a goal that Mark and I have both set. We feel like we have been so blessed, and one of the best ways to show our thanks is to serve others. So far, we have been doing pretty good with it. Mark is amazing. He has really been diligent about looking for ways to serve. I am not as good. I tend to be a little more selfish with my time and energy, mostly because I think I am afraid of wearing myself out. To begin with, I need to look for little opportunities and get out of the mindset that I have to do something really physically draining in order to serve.

2. Magnify our callings. I don't have a calling right now, so I figure my calling is to help Mark magnify his. He is really awesome and wants to work really hard as the Elder's Quorum President. Sometimes all he needs is for me to tell him that it is okay to leave me and visit members of the quorum who need help. So, I am working on being okay with the kids by myself while he goes out and takes care of things.

3. Do my visiting teaching. This is a hard one for me. I'm not very motivated and I am afraid to use the phone, so that puts a damper on my visiting teaching. Mostly, I think I am afraid to reach out. But, I really need to be more diligent, so I am going to try to make visiting teaching a priority.

4. Read our scriptures. This shouldn't be a hard one, but it is. President Medina has set a reading schedule for the stake and Mark and I are about 10 days behind, but we are working to catch up. Last night, Mailee said she wasn't tired and that she wanted to stay up for a little bit. We told her she could, but she had to sit and listen to us read the D&C. By the time we were finished she was pretty relaxed (and bored) and ready to go to bed. So, there you go. Scripture reading can be like Benadryl for kids.

That's all for now, because I can smell that Brick has a very exciting surprise in his pants for me.


1 comment:

Rachel@ A Little Bit of Ray said...

Ha, ha,ha! I have the same problem w/ Visiting Teaching! I hate using the phone or putting myself out there. If I don't have a partner that takes charge I never get it done. I feel so bad for the sisters assigned to me. I really need to work on it. Good Luck w/ your goals!