Monday, October 27, 2008

I'm Back

Well, I'm back. My eyes have healed enough that I can sit at the computer with no problems. Finding time to do that is another issue. I'm deep in the middle of making Mark's costume for the ballet and doing some minor alterations on 2 other costumes. A lot of the work has to be done by hand, so it is pretty time consuming. The good news is that I am almost done with the 2 less important costumes and 2/3 of the way through Mark's costume. Dress rehearsals begin on Saturday, so it is crunch time.
Parents as Teachers came today and both of the kids did great with the activities she had for them. Brick is really getting good at his fine motor skills and the parent educator was really impressed with how well Mailee talks. I was really proud of them.
Our other news is that Mark was set apart last week as the Elder's Quorum president. I kissed him goodbye and am lamenting my new role as a single mother. Just kidding. We are both really excited about the opportunities to serve and I am making a real effort to be a little less jealous of Mark's time and to share him freely. I know if we give our time to the Lord he will help us continue to have time together as a family.
Being able to see without contacts or glasses has been amazing. Every night, I still think, "I have to take out my contacts." I think it will be awhile before that habit breaks. I am now seeing better than I did before with my glasses and as well, if not better, than I did with my contacts. The doctor says that I am still healing, so it should get even better. The first 2 weeks or so were rough, but it has definately been worth it. I highly recommend.