Friday, June 26, 2009

Whenever I lick myself...

So we are looking out the window and a bird flies by and Mailee says, "Is that a hawk?"

Me: "I don't know."

Mailee: "I think it was. Hawks just eat little kids but they don't eat mommies and daddies."

Okay. Me: "What do little kids taste like?"

Mailee: "Sour."

Me: "Sour?"

Mailee: "Yeah, whenever I lick myself I taste sour. Just lick yourself." Then she starts licking herself.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


So, I have recently been sucked into the world of facebook and have been sharing all my stupid thoughts there. However, this morning I was up at an unholy hour after almost no sleep and therefore feel like ranting where there is a little more privacy.

First up, I haven't slept well in weeks and I am pissed off. I need sleep, and a lot of it, to function like a regular person, and I haven't been getting it. No sleep turns me into a homicidal maniac. I'm so sleep deprived that I can't even think of anything clever to say.

Secondly, I can't stand watching the news anymore because it is pissing me off. I know I should become informed like a responsible citizen and then go out and protest or something but I'm too ticked off. I can't even listen to Glenn Beck for more than five minutes. Everything is so messed up.

Thirdly, I am trying to save money to send Mailee to preschool by not eating out, but I think today is a day for comfort eating. I need a big plate of greasy, cheesy Mexican food that can only be found down at Rainbow and Southwest. But, if we go out for lunch then that will be less money I can save toward preschool. Mailee has to go to preschool for several reasons, like she and I need some time apart during the day and I think I will lose my mind if we don't get it.

In short, I am in a bad mood and if anyone wants to take my kids today then they are welcome to them.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Thoughts and Facebook

Sometimes I can hardly believe Mark is married to such a tech- idiot. I never post pictures here because it takes me like 10 minutes to post a picture.
I just signed up for facebook because someone convinced me that it would be a good way to stay in touch with people who live far away. I have this blog, but I guess there are certain people who I just don't want to see it. The thing is that I don't really know how to use facebook and I haven't put any pictures up yet, because as I said, it takes me forever to do it and Mark always has to walk me through. So frustrating.
Anyway, the kids are fine, even though Brick locked himself in the van last week and Mark had to come home from work to unlock it. That was fun. We switched him to a toddler bed last week and that has been okay, except that he keeps climbing into Mailee's very small bed with her and waking her up.
Ummm...Mark and I are starting to lose our vacation weight. Pants are fitting again.

That's about it for us right now.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Nothing Exciting Part Deux

1. Mark and I saw Star Trek while we were in St. George. I liked it, but admit that may be because I am too cool to know any Star Trek background. The new Kirk is hot.

2. Mark discovered the D.I. while we were in Utah and fell in love. He's already drawn up divorce papers and as soon as we can work out a custody arrangement he is moving back to shack up with his new lover.

3. I gained so much weight on our trip that I can't get the top button buttoned on most of my pants. Tonight I plan on turning to that good old stand-by, bulimia, to drop those extra pounds. Kidneys be damned! I want to be thin.

4. I am out of Dr. Pepper and don't feel like going to the store, so it looks like I am trying to quit again.

5. Korynn has been admitted to the hospital. I really hope they can keep the baby in for at least another week.

6. Uncle Scott actually seems kind of mellow. He might even be a nice guy now. And I think he is going deaf.

7. Mailee can swim all by herself if she wears her water wings. She's getting so big.