Saturday, November 22, 2008

Glenn Beck Rocks

Ok, this post isn't really all about Glenn Beck. I just wanted to point out that he rocks. I am really sad that I don't get to listen to him everyday and when I do listen it is usually only for a few minutes at a time. That said, what this post is really about it 'Twilight.' I've sucked you into a post about a teen vampire book. Ha ha ha (maniacal laughter). Actually, I just wanted to say that on Friday's show Glenn Beck mentioned the 'Twilight' series and the new movie coming out this weekend. He highly recommends the books and he pointed out that they aren't just teen vampire books. And, since Glenn Beck is right about nearly everything, that means that you all should read the books. Including you, Danny.

Anyway, Korynn and I are going to see the movie today with some other Elder's Quorum wives and I really hope I like it. I am setting myself up for disappointment, though. Movies never really are as good as the books they were based on.

I'm out.


MotherMonkee said...

I didn't think it was that good. OK, maybe. The actress kept looking at "Edward" with her mouth open, it really bugged me, I couldn't get over it enough to enjoy the movie. That is how OCD I am! She really needs acting lessons!

MotherMonkee said...
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L S. "Spencer" Olsen said...

Does it bother anyone else that a 200+ year old man is interested in a 17 year old girl?

Just saying.

Merilee said...

Um, Edward is only like 100 years old, Spencer. Roxann- yeah, I really didn't like Bella's teeth. They were distracting and the actress did need acting lessons.