Monday, November 10, 2008

Fluffies and Ladies

So, one night last week we had to drive to the park and ride on Woods Chapel Rd to pick Mark's truck up (I think we picked him up from work and can't remember why). So, Mailee, Brick and I are driving back home in the dark and Mailee says from the backseat, "Mother." (Yeah, she calls me "Mother" now.) "Mother, I just had to make a fluffy but I couldn't push it out."
Okay, thanks for that information.
"Then I just pushed it out and it came out."
Again, thanks.
"Mother, what are fluffies?"
"Well, Mailee, fluffies are gas that gets trapped in your stomach and then it comes out of our bottoms and because it comes out where our poopie comes out it stinks." I know that isn't the most sophisticated explanation but give me a break.
"Oh," she says. "Yeah, and then they just come out on our panties!" Now she is giggling in the backseat. Then she stops giggling. "Mother, why do fluffies come out on our panties?"
"Well, because we wear panties on our bottoms."
"Why do we wear panties on our bottoms?"
Big sigh from me. "Because, Heavenly Father wants us to keep our bottoms covered."
"Why does Heavenly Father just want us to keep our bottoms covered?"
"Because our bottoms are special and we shouldn't show them to other people."
"Yeah, because if we show them to other people then we will get in trouble."
Okay. I don't think this is really the time or place for a discussion on morality, so I am not sure what to say. So, I was sitting there thinking how to respond to this pretty serious observation, when she says:
"Look, Mother! I can see my shadow."
Thank goodness 3 year olds have such a short attention span.