Monday, August 25, 2008

I am a big kid now

So, we have been in our new house for 3 weeks and we finally got the internet a few days ago. Two and a half weeks without the internet really wasn't that bad, except that every 3 days someone would say something to me like, "Did you see that video on Youtube...?" or "Did you read Spencer's blog..?" or "Did you see the new XKCD...?" No, numnuts, I didn't because I don't have the internet. Well, I have it now so I decided to check out Spencer's blog which reminded me that I didn't have a blog and that I asked Mark to set one up for me months ago. Since he didn't (and I am incapable of doing it myself) I have concluded that he must be trying to control me and accused him of being a pinko. He relented and helped me set this up. (I'm on to you, buddy. Foiled your plan to keep me cut off from the world!) So, now I am a big kid like the rest of my siblings and can play like a big kid. Look forward to reading my amazing thoughts. Drink from the fount of my wisdom. Laugh at the things my children do to me.

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