Wednesday, June 23, 2010


Remember when Roxann thought she was going to have to make her blog private and we all had to give her our email addresses so that she could invite us to her blog. Well, I might have to do the same thing. I won't go into it, but despite the fact that this blog is only meant for family and a very few select friends someone else read it and was offended. Admittedly, what I said wasn't very nice. We all know that I am not a very nice person anyway. Even though said post was written over a year ago the offended person just read it a few weeks ago. I have removed the offending post and apologized.
So, if you are a member of my family and would like to continue to read my infrequent ramblings please leave me your email address. If you are not a member of my family and your name is:

Gary or Melanie

please leave me your current email address (you might as well be family). I should have most of your addresses already but I just want to make sure.
If I forgot someone I am sorry.
If you read this post and it offended you, maybe we aren't meant to be acquainted. Get over it.